Tuesday, 13 June 2017


Lost in Vancouver

I set forth on this land of mystery years ago, 

never knowing the true beauty of within. 

From the West - 

there is the never ending forest of UBC;

to the East - 

there are the countless high rises in Metrotown. 

Up North - 

the busy streets of downtown, 

cultures meet each other on the crossings. 

The gusts of morning coffee leads the way 

into the wild nature of the Grouse Mountain. 

Down South - 

dim lights and clamorous sound of Chinese Restaurants and Shopping Centres

surrounded by River Road, 

the smell of bursted berries and fertilized farm land 

gushes along the No.3 Road.  

So little history among all cities, 

yet so much value and spirit.

The lack of internet and access of technology in 2010,

blocked my vision to the outside world. 

So I would have never guessed  

how a continent half way across the globe

could be more beautiful than home?